Getting Started with Sherwood

Every project begins with a strategy sprint. We dive deep into your identity and strategy to ensure clarity and meaningful results. The Sherwood Sprint incorporates frameworks from expert thought leaders, offering a synthesis of creativity, culture-building, brand expression, and marketing solutions.

Frameworks we love:

  • Atlas Rose Brand Atlas (GTM Strategy)

  • Entrepreneurship Operating System (EOS)

  • Google Design Sprint (Experience Design)

  • Pat Lencioni's The Advantage (Culture)

  • Start with Why by Simon Sinek (Vision and Values)

  • Story Brand by Donald Miller (Messaging)

  • Brand Archetypes (Brand Meaning)

1: Why

We believe that you need to know the truth about yourself before you can reveal it to others. We guide you through a process of self-discovery, crafting a compelling vision for this next stage of your business. This process rekindles your team’s passion and aligns them behind your mission.

2: How

Once we define your unique causes and convictions, we empathically coreograph the journey, experience, or project that will turn your team, customers, and stakeholders into devoted brand ambassadors.

3: What

Before concluding the Sprint, we will outline a plan of action, prioritizing essential steps and budget decisions. Then, we will toast to the groundbreaking work we’ve already done and will do together in the coming months.


1. Brand Manifesto 

This document expresses your reason for being. It includes the most important decisions every organization must make: Who you exist for, what problem you’re solving for them, and what transformation you promise them. This will be a Why Statement and 6-7 core beliefs that articulate what you stand for. If you already have a why statement and vision, this will take your vision and values to the next level of clarity and impact.

OSV Challenge Manifesto | Dating Practically Manifesto

2. Strategy Deck:

This document provides a roadmap for all parties regarding strategic decisions made during the sprint. Each strategy deck is tailored to our client’s needs.

USC Caruso Center Strategy Deck


Let’s do it

Ready to get started?

Let’s schedule a time to go over the details.